The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (ISM)

About the Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (ISM)

The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia (ISM) is the professional institution representing the surveying profession in Malaysia and consists of four main divisions, namely :

• Property Consultancy Valuation Surveying Division
Members of the Property Consultancy and Valuation Surveying Division are qualified professionals trained to provide specialist services in real estatre to their clients which includes corporations, institutions, statutory bodies, owners, investors, landlords and tenant

• Geomatic and Land Surveying Division
The Survey Department imposes stringent regulations on cadastral surveying. Such regulations and the categories of persons permitted to do cadastral surveying, reflect the importance attached to the cadastral plan, the usual end product of a cadastral survey. The plan should unambiguously identify a particular parcel of land for purposes of proprietorship and registration, and the survey should be of technical standards required in the legislation governing the registration of title to land and of dealings herewith.

The National Land Code, mentioned in above, amended and consolidated "the law as relating to land and land tenure, the registration of title to land and of dealings therewith and the collection of revenue therefrom" within the States of Semenanjung Malaysia. Similarly, the Land Ordinance (Sabah Cap. 68) sets out "to regulate the alienation and occupation of State lands, " while the Land Code (Sarawak Cap.81) is "An Ordinance to make better provision in the law relating to land."

The Licensed Land Surveyors Act, 1958, provides for the establishment of the Land Surveyors Board, to deal with "the licensing and control of land surveyors and for matters connected therewith." To carry out the objectives and purposes of the Ordinance, the Licensed Land Surveyors Regulations, 1959, were made.

• Quantity Surveying Division

• Building Surveying Division

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